Through the generosity of many donors, we provided a camp experience to 116 students through KIDS Inc. last summer. That means Read more →

Through the generosity of many donors, we provided a camp experience to 116 students through KIDS Inc. last summer. That means Read more →
It’s been an amazing year at KIDS Inc! As the year comes to an end, we wanted to take a minute to recap and remember all Read more →
As the school year comes to a close, we want to give you a quick breakdown of our programs and how KIDS Inc. has grown this school year! Teen Night: As the season changes, we have seen an increase Read more →
Hey friends. As we approach the new year, we want to present you with an opportunity to partner with KIDS Inc. in 2017. One of our most important areas is our elementary outreach. These programs, including our after-school program, tutoring program, and school partnerships, have grown and flourished in the past year, and we are so grateful. To keep this momentum going… Read more →
As 2015 closes, we wanted to take a minute to fill you in on what God has been doing at KIDS Inc. this year! It’s been an amazing year. Here’s what’s been going on: Last winter, Megan joined us as a full-time Administrator. She’s a competent organizer, communicator, and planner . . . and a lot of the reason anything… Read more →
Camp Allendale 2015Summertime at KIDS Inc. means taking groups of our students, some of whom have never spent more than a day or two outside their own neighborhood, away to camp for a week. We load up the vans with 15 to 25 students, plus a few volunteer counsellors, and spend six days in the woods, sleeping on wooden bunks,… Read more →