Camp Allendale 2015Summertime at KIDS Inc. means taking groups of our students, some of whom have never spent more than a day or two outside their own neighborhood, away to camp for a week. We load up the vans with 15 to 25 students, plus a few volunteer counsellors, and spend six days in the woods, sleeping on wooden bunks,… Read more →
Category: Outreach
Moving Forward
2014 Highlights
Highlights from 2014 Our volunteers – This year we have truly been blessed by over 20 faithful volunteers! Volunteers have helped us with summer camps, Mudathlons and the Indianapolis Marathon, serving food at Hang Time, running Elementary Time, planning and preparing for events, and building personally into the lives of students. We are so thankful for you all! Summer camps… Read more →
Vacation Bible School
We are putting on VBS this week! Read more →