A few weeks ago, we posted an article about Camp Allendale (Missed that post? Read it here.) Just two weeks after going to Allendale with our middle and high school students, we'll be packing up to take our elementary students to Camp Indy, and we are so excited!
Camp Indy 2016
One of the coolest things going on at KIDS Inc this year has been new growth in our elementary-age programs. Thanks to our amazing Elementary Outreach Coordinator, Eliza, and enthusiastic volunteers, we’ve been able to welcome 20-30 students to Elementary Club each week, and start a tutoring program with SENSE charter school. This summer, we have the chance to take the relationships we’ve been building with K-6th graders to the next level by bringing these kids to a week of day camp at Camp Indy, on the north side of Indianapolis.
For many of these kids, a week at Camp Indy is one of the few times in the year when they get out of their inner-city neighborhood. It’s the highlight of their summer, and we love being part of it! We are so thankful to Camp Indy for letting us use their facility for a week every summer. Together with our kids, we play games, hike in the woods, try out the climbing wall and zip line, and swim in the pool. We get tired, sunburned, and mosquito-bitten, but we have a ton of fun.
Throughout this year our elementary students have blown us away with their eagerness and sincerity as we get to know them and share with them the love of Jesus. They have seen a lot of brokenness, and working with kids this age, from these backgrounds, can be a challenge. We know that God knows them, though, and wants to transform their lives with hope. This time at Camp Indy is a chance to talk with our students about the love of God every day for a week. We get to plant seeds that can potentially impact their lives forever. What a privilege!

Campers learn how to complete the Ants on a Log team challenge.
Please Pray
As we get ready for camp this year, would you pray with us? Pray that:
- Exactly the right students would be able to come.
- We would have volunteers, and the energy to serve the kids well.
- We could faithfully plant the seeds of the Gospel.
- These students would know Jesus, His love, and the permanent change He brings.
We are so grateful for Camp Indy’s hospitality to us, but even so, a week at camp is expensive. In order to bring students to Camp Indy, we need financial help so that we can offer scholarships and invite students at a cost that their families can afford. Camp is $85 per student, and we hope to take 24-30 students this year.
If you are interested in serving our elementary students by helping to cover the cost of camp, please visit the donate page and choose "Camp Indy Scholarships" from the drop-down list. You can also find a list of specific items we need on our Amazon Wish List.
Thanks for being part of all that we do. We praise God for you, and can’t wait to share with what He does this summer!